Why we’re an employees first company and what that means
Recently, a Richard Branson quote has been making its way through my social media feeds. The quote is… “Clients do not come first. Employees come first.” And, it has sparked some great discussions. Being a serviced-focused company, we strive for efficiency and long-lasting professional relationships. With current and potential clients, we keep a ridiculously fast response […]
The danger of being comfortable: Healthcare

How does a hospital or medical practice of any kind climb their way to the top of the endless mountains of data collected over the years, usually through archaic systems? There is no easy answer to this question.
The danger of being comfortable: Law

The practice of law is feeling the disruption of technology innovation. Back before Google made searching for information simple, anyone seeking legal answers or advice had no choice but to talk to a lawyer. With so many types of law, though, knowing a lawyer you could ask for help wasn’t necessarily a guarantee that you could get answers without paying for an expert in what you were seeking.
Why your internal team shouldn’t develop your new app

If you have a team of software developers, you know about the challenges of launching a new product while maintaining your existing software. Good engineers are hard to find and always in high demand. It’s a hard balance to keep them happy, maintain successful customer support processes, and take advantage of new opportunities.
The danger of being comfortable: Services

The rise in demand of personal services at the touch of a button is an indicator of several important things happening in our modern society. First and foremost – we are busier than ever before, with no signs of stopping. These services are also a signifier of innovative thinking and points us to even greater possibilities in this realm in the near future.