Need to contact your representative? Write a KwikLetter

When’s the last time you wrote a letter? It’s not something we do often, but we appreciate receiving them. Letters are personal. They go to our friends and loved ones through birthday cards, best wishes, congratulations and function as a more formal way of connecting, even reconnecting. It’s the personal connection that leads letter writing […]

Why privacy is a must with contact tracing

Contact tracing is a term that is already becoming commonplace. What’s important to note about the use of tech in contract tracing is it’s voluntary. The technology will only activate on your phone with your consent. The purpose of opting into this system is to help with conventional contact tracing (telling public health authorities where […]

The impact of streaming on sports in the new normal

Live sports as we think of them aren’t coming back any time soon. That’s a grim reality, but we do have options in a world where we can’t currently gather in stadiums; so charge your devices, prepare to download new apps on that tablet or Smart TV and prepare those game time snacks because streaming […]

Why your app’s data is more important now than ever

Every day we get emails that mention “what we’ve learned during COVID-19…” as it relates to small business owners navigating this crisis. Everyone’s thinking more critically how to keep employees while balancing client expectations. For mobile app owners, you’ve probably spent more time reviewing the metrics of your app whether it’s downloads, user activity, or […]

Props Updated – What’s New?

Have you been sharing Props?  What are you waiting for? Props was launched last July to focus on thanking people for their service and better understanding the impact of our interactions. It offers a great way for employees in the service industry to gather feedback and data about their performance. At the same time, employers […]