Does your business need a mobile app?

Mobile technology is a great way to grow your business. That being said, not every business will actually benefit from having a customer-facing mobile app. Here are a few questions to determine whether or not an app is the right fit for you.

3 ways to jump-start your app idea on a shoestring budget

At MotionMobs, we consult with a lot of start-ups. We help early stage tech companies and individuals with app ideas, some who have already secured investments and others whom are still looking for their angel. We also help large, established companies create new products that build additional revenue channels.

We understand trying to get the most out of your “shoestring budget”. We’re personally familiar with that struggle. It is challenging, but it can also help you stay focused on what is most important– building a solid plan and gaining traction quickly. 

5 ways to prepare your startup for success

Bringing a product to market is hard. While we have helped others launch their apps, it’s not often we get to do it ourselves. We recently attended DIG SOUTH, an interactive conference in Charleston, SC, and it was a good reminder of the things you have to keep in mind as you build and promote a new startup or app.

Lessons learned from launching a startup

Our team spends the vast majority of our time working on apps for our clients. We help them refine their ideas and then design and develop the best ideas. Every now and then, though, we get the chance to work on our own idea.

It’s time to follow your passion

A women walking in the Passage du Grand Cerf shopping gallery.

I’ve been very lucky in my career to have the opportunity to be successful working on things that I’m passionate about with great groups of people. I occasionally get asked about how I got started. Hopefully I can help you chase your own personal goals with this post.