AppCon ’17
MotionMobs attended ACT’s App Economy Conference in Washington, D.C., this week to help tell our story as a small tech company and speak about how policy impacts us. As a professional services company, we also attended to speak on behalf of our clients, who run tech businesses based on the apps we build for them. […]
Go Mobile on Nov. 9th in Atlanta
Whether you are already incorporating mobile technology into your business model, or are looking to in the near future, we can all gain insight from successful business leaders who have integrated this technology into their industry. Join us as our special guests talk about lessons learned and the digital path to success through mobile apps.
The danger of being comfortable: Entertainment
Not only was entertainment the first child of technology disruption, the tech leaders in these industries are still some of the biggest, best, and most profitable. It will also be the industry to expect the most impressive blindsides from in the future.
The danger of being comfortable: Nonprofit
As a nonprofit, you’d think that the message alone would be enough to drive yearly fundraising goals and when applicable, attendance. If it’s something worth caring about, it runs itself… right? Wrong.
The danger of being comfortable: Hospitality
When it comes to the hotel and hospitality industry, the concept of business security is at best a temporary state, and more likely an illusion.