Why your internal team shouldn’t develop your new app
If you have a team of software developers, you know about the challenges of launching a new product while maintaining your existing software. Good engineers are hard to find and always in high demand. It’s a hard balance to keep them happy, maintain successful customer support processes, and take advantage of new opportunities.
Improving lives one app at a time: App2Talk
In 2014 MotionMobs had the opportunity to work on what became one of our most rewarding projects to date – Autism Avenue: Talk.
3 Atlanta markets that should prioritize mobile development
We’ve identified three major types of Atlanta businesses that can benefit immensely by either introducing new mobile solutions or updating existing ones. If your company falls into one of these categories you need to be thinking mobile soon and often.
5 ways to prepare your startup for success
Bringing a product to market is hard. While we have helped others launch their apps, it’s not often we get to do it ourselves. We recently attended DIG SOUTH, an interactive conference in Charleston, SC, and it was a good reminder of the things you have to keep in mind as you build and promote a new startup or app.
Why your mobile app needs a web app too
If you don’t have a centralized, web-based dashboard to store and update content on your app, you’ll be making the two-week wait for Apple’s approval all too frequently, even for basic content changes. We recommend building a centralized dashboard, with a secure login and specific fields that pull updated content directly to mobile solutions, to most of our business clients.