Why marketers need to understand how software works

One of the keys to marketing is truly understanding your audience. Once you know their wants and needs, you know how to relate to them and, as a result, how to get them to like your brand. Studies have revealed that adults spend more than four hours every day on their mobile devices, which means […]
Apple, Google, and In-App Purchases

In-app purchases are one of the big misconceptions about how app monetization works. Apple and Google have guidelines about in-app purchases (IAP), but some of the rules can be complicated to understand. That’s a big deal because Apple and Google charge a 30 percent fee on all IAP, and that may be 30 percent of […]
The architecture of planning an app

Having a great idea is only the first step to building a great mobile app. Ideas don’t magically transform into well-thought-out functions while a developer is writing code. That process happens before a single line of code is ever written. Many of our clients aren’t sure how to move from a general idea to solid […]
Nonprofit app ideas that win grants

Nonprofit organizations frequently rely on corporate or government grants to fund new initiatives and move their causes forward. Big corporations like AT&T and Verizon are particularly incentivized to fund community projects that rely on the companies’ technologies, such as mobile apps. Navigating the waters of pitching an app that’s appealing and has noticeable impact can be difficult, […]
How retailers should prepare for online holiday sales

It’s the holiday season and the busiest time of the year for most retailers. For many businesses, this means carefully scheduling employees based on the highest traffic hours to keep shoppers happy and building tempting product displays with the most popular items. As consumers change their buying habits from in-store shopping to online buying, it’s […]