How Tech Can Help With COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

More mandates, more problems? Pandemic. Virus. Antibodies. Vaccine. These words are now a part of our everyday vernacular. In today’s world where the COVID-19 virus is intertwined with our daily lives, personal and professional, they are used regularly. The battle against the COVID-19 virus has turned into an enmeshment of science, technology, politics, and the […]
How technology can help with the COVID-19 vaccine

As a member of the MotionMobs team I am proud of all of the hard work and effort that we put forward in order to develop GuideSafe, Apple and Google’s exposure notification app for the state of Alabama. When the mobile application was released, one of the concerns around it was that eventually a vaccine […]
Wade’s World

I always get asked about my setup and the hardware/software I use on a regular basis. I’ve been asked once or twice about my setup and the hardware/software I use on a regular basis. So by popular demand here’s list of the things I feel like help me get things done (and make solid Slack […]
Willingworth: Wills that safeguard your future and your family

We make plans to take the uncertainty out of decision making. It allows us to be intentional with our time and prepared for what’s ahead. For millions of people the future is harder to look at due to the challenges of the pandemic. It’s a phenomenon that highlights the growing wealth gap between people and […]
Why privacy is a must with contact tracing

Contact tracing is a term that is already becoming commonplace. What’s important to note about the use of tech in contract tracing is it’s voluntary. The technology will only activate on your phone with your consent. The purpose of opting into this system is to help with conventional contact tracing (telling public health authorities where […]